Package-level declarations


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class Stat(val path: VirtualPath, val baseDirectory: BaseDirectory = CurrentWorkingDirectory, val followSymlinks: Boolean = true)

Retrieves information about the file at the given path. If path is relative, it will be resolved using the baseDirectory provided.

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class StatFd(val fd: FileDescriptor)

Retrieves information about the currently open file fd.

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class StructStat(val deviceId: Long, val inode: Long, val mode: Int, val type: Filetype, val links: Long, val usedId: Long, val groupId: Long, val specialFileDeviceId: Long, val size: Long, val blockSize: Long, val blocks: Long, val accessTime: StructTimespec, val modificationTime: StructTimespec, val changeStatusTime: StructTimespec)

struct stat

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class StructTimespec(val seconds: Long, val nanoseconds: Long)


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