Package-level declarations
WASI Preview1 type $ciovec_array
Specifies that the annotated element of list type represents the value of type List<CiovecArray>.
Specifies that the annotated element of integer type represents the value of type Device.
Specifies that the annotated element of integer type represents the value of type Dircookie.
Specifies that the annotated element of integer type represents the value of type Dirnamlen.
WASI Preview1 type $event_fd_readwrite
WASI Preview1 type $eventrwflags
Specifies that the annotated element of Short type represents the value of type Eventrwflags.
Specifies that the annotated element of integer type represents the value of type Exitcode.
Specifies that the annotated element of integer type represents the value of type Filedelta.
Specifies that the annotated element of integer type represents the value of type Filesize.
WASI Preview1 type $iovec_array
Specifies that the annotated element of list type represents the value of type List<IovecArray>.
Specifies that the annotated element of integer type represents the value of type Linkcount.
WASI Preview1 type $lookupflags
Specifies that the annotated element of Int type represents the value of type Lookupflags.
WASI Preview1 type $preopentype
WASI Preview1 type $prestat_dir
Specifies that the annotated element of integer type represents the value of type Siflags.
WASI Preview1 type $subclockflags
Specifies that the annotated element of Short type represents the value of type Subclockflags.
WASI Preview1 type $subscription
WASI Preview1 type $subscription_clock
WASI Preview1 type $subscription_fd_readwrite
WASI Preview1 type $subscription_u
Specifies that the annotated element of integer type represents the value of type Timestamp.
Specifies that the annotated element of integer type represents the value of type Userdata.