
WASI Preview 1 host function installer.

Sets up WebAssembly host imports that provide WASI Preview 1 implementations.

Usage example:

// Prepare WASI host imports
val wasiImports: List<HostFunction> = ChicoryWasiPreview1Builder {
host = embedderHost

val hostImports = ImportValues.builder().withFunctions(wasiImports).build()

// Instantiate the WebAssembly module
val instance = Instance


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object Companion


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Implementation of a host object that provides access from the WebAssembly to external host resources.

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Sets memory provider used for all operations. For multi-memory scenarios.


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fun build(moduleName: String = WASI_SNAPSHOT_PREVIEW1_MODULE_NAME): List<@JvmSuppressWildcards HostFunction>
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Sets the host object that provides access from the WebAssembly to external host resources.

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Sets memory provider used for all operations. For multi-memory scenarios.