class Open(val path: VirtualPath, val baseDirectory: BaseDirectory = CurrentWorkingDirectory, val openFlags: OpenFileFlags, val fdFlags: Fdflags, val mode: Int? = null, val rights: FdRightsBlock? = null)(source)
Open or create a file.
The path to the file is specified by the path. If is relative, it will be resolved using the base directory specified by the baseDirectory parameter.
The openFlags argument may indicate the file is to be created if it does not exist (by specifying the Fcntl.O_CREAT flag). In this case, file is created with mode mode.
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constructor(path: VirtualPath, baseDirectory: BaseDirectory = CurrentWorkingDirectory, openFlags: OpenFileFlags, fdFlags: Fdflags, mode: Int? = null, rights: FdRightsBlock? = null)