Last file status change timestamp. This can be 0 if the underlying platform doesn't provide suitable timestamp for this file.
(typename $filestat
;;; Device ID of device containing the file.
(field $dev $device)
;;; File serial number.
(field $ino $inode)
;;; File type.
(field $filetype $filetype)
;;; Number of hard links to the file.
(field $nlink $linkcount)
;;; For regular files, the file size in bytes. For symbolic links, the length in bytes of the pathname contained in the symbolic link.
(field $size $filesize)
;;; Last data access timestamp.
;;; This can be 0 if the underlying platform doesn't provide suitable
;;; timestamp for this file.
(field $atim $timestamp)
;;; Last data modification timestamp.
;;; This can be 0 if the underlying platform doesn't provide suitable
;;; timestamp for this file.
(field $mtim $timestamp)
;;; Last file status change timestamp.
;;; This can be 0 if the underlying platform doesn't provide suitable
;;; timestamp for this file.
(field $ctim $timestamp)
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